• Question: What would you say is that best way to get into your profession?

    Asked by 977mntj45 to Michelle, Jermaine on 15 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Michelle Jamieson

      Michelle Jamieson answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      There is no 100% right answer for this. The traditional way is to get into an Undergrad Psychology degree that is accredited by the British Psychological Society, gain a 2:1 (preferably a First), and as there are different types of psychologist, you can then go on to do a specific Masters (in Health, Occupational, Research ect). Then you can chose to go onto a research PhD, or if you want to become a Clinical Psychologist, you have to get onto the professional NHS doctorate (which is another 3 years). Between all this you should be trying to get as much experience in the area as you can through volunteering and paid work (Assistant Psychologist posts, care work ect). If you look on the BPS website there are a lot of good hints and tips on getting into a career in psychology!

    • Photo: Jermaine Ravalier

      Jermaine Ravalier answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      As Michelle says the traditional rout is a degree, a master’s (usually), and then a PhD – but it’s often quite a difficult thing to do (e.g. getting funding to do a PhD is not easy, so a few more little tips…).

      A lot of the time it’s just about hard work and a bit of luck. I honestly think that the best thing to do is stand out when you do your undergrad degree. If you perform well then your lecturers will get to know you and offer opportunities – you should take every opportunity that you’re given (e.g. paid or unpaid research assistant roles). The good lecturers will be able to help you up the ladder – e.g. two of my recent research assistants have gotten paid PhDs (one with me, one with a colleague of mine) off the back of our work together. So work hard at uni (and enjoy yourself) and get to know your lecturers.
