• Question: What is you PhD project about?

    Asked by luke to Jack on 17 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Jack barton

      Jack barton answered on 17 Jun 2017:

      My project is is looking at how poor sleep can lead to experiences such as hallucinations and delusions (e.g. feelings of paranoia). It is commonly believed that little sleep can reduce our grasp of reality but no one has really tested this link or tried, in detail, to understand why a lack of sleep should do this. I’m using a range of different methods to understand how sleep and psychosis experiences co-occur including simply asking people about their sleep, tracking sleep with a FitBit-style watch, and looking at the effects of sleep deprivation on mood and ability to carry out simple tasks in healthy individuals (people have sleep deprived individual with schizophrenia and, unsurprisingly, it didn’t go well…)

      I kind of fell into sleep research but I’m loving it so far! Goes to show that not having a definite plan about where you want to end up with your career is not a recipe for disaster…!
