• Question: As we know, some mental health issues are genetic and so can't be helped, however, are there any ways to prevent our mental health from deteriorating if they are not hereditary?

    Asked by scott_t to Gem, Jermaine, Michelle on 22 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Michelle Jamieson

      Michelle Jamieson answered on 22 Jun 2017:

      It really depends on each individual person and what works for them, but generally trying to reduce stress, exercise, and eating well can all help in keeping yourself in good mental health

    • Photo: Jermaine Ravalier

      Jermaine Ravalier answered on 22 Jun 2017:

      Yeah there are loads. Simple things like exercising well and eating properly are really important. But then there are other things such as mindfulness (which I’ve published on, see here: https://academic.oup.com/occmed/article/66/6/428/2750567/Systematic-review-complementary-therapies-and) which can be really beneficial too. So food, exercise, and basic mental health approaches to things such as mindfulness can all be really useful.
