• Question: are there a significant amount of jobs in science or is it highly competitive?

    Asked by 298mntj29 to Steve, Michelle, Jermaine, Gem on 15 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Jermaine Ravalier

      Jermaine Ravalier answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      It’s really competitive – that’s why it’s important to use as many step ups as you can. When you get to uni get to know the research active lecturers – they’ll offer you loads of really good help and steps up in the ladder. That’s honestly the best piece of advice I would give, and something I wish I’d done at uni!

    • Photo: Steven Brown

      Steven Brown answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      I feel like everything is competitive nowadays – so many people, and seemingly willing to travel all over. Science is tough though, no doubt. Where I sort of went wrong was being so interested in so many things. It’s better to be really specialised in something very specific, so long as that something is always going to be useful. Talk to people about what excites you, and follow that.

    • Photo: Michelle Jamieson

      Michelle Jamieson answered on 18 Jun 2017:

      VERY competitive. Psychology especially.
